Category: tutorials

Валерий Бескорсый и Саша Поберайло
0 1264
Posted in Podcast tutorials

Digital and analogue audio, intro “Podcasts About Sound”

Digital and analogue audio-the first episode of a series of podcasts about sound. There will be a general conversation about… read more Digital and analogue audio, intro “Podcasts About Sound”

lightworks v12 tutorial review r - tutorials
0 1141
Posted in tutorials

LightWorks v12 Tutorial Review (RU)

LightWorks v12 Tutorial Review (RU) [EN] Short review of LightWorks v12 edit software. [RU]Краткий обзор условнобесплатной монтажной системы LightWorks v12…. read more LightWorks v12 Tutorial Review (RU)