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Non-Linearity in Game Design
0 198
Posted in game design Interactive Storytelling

What is Non-Linearity in Game Design? A Conversation with Tim Cain

What is Non-Linearity in Game Design? A Conversation with Tim Cain In the world of game design, the term “non-linearity”… read more What is Non-Linearity in Game Design? A Conversation with Tim Cain

Storytelling is a key to Game Design
0 187
Posted in game design Interactive Storytelling

Storytelling Through Mechanics: A Key to Game Design

Storytelling Through Mechanics: A Key to Game Design Game mechanics are often seen as a way to create challenges and… read more Storytelling Through Mechanics: A Key to Game Design

People playing D&D game in cyberpunk setting
0 242
Posted in Interactive film Interactive Storytelling

Exploring interactive storytelling research

Interactive storytelling research delves into the creation of dynamic narratives that are shaped by user interactions and their decisions. Key… read more Exploring interactive storytelling research

Procedural design
0 369
Posted in Interactive film

Unveiling the Unscripted: Why Procedural Design Holds the Key to Game Narratives of Tomorrow

Traditional approaches to game narrative have often relied on meticulously scripted sequences – pre-defined arcs that guide the player through… read more Unveiling the Unscripted: Why Procedural Design Holds the Key to Game Narratives of Tomorrow

game design
0 1668
Posted in game design Interactive Storytelling

A Survey of Procedural Quest Design Methodologies for Enhanced Replayability

Traditional quest structures in video games often rely on predetermined sequences of events and objectives, meticulously crafted by designers. While… read more A Survey of Procedural Quest Design Methodologies for Enhanced Replayability

Netflix course
Posted in filmmaking

A Producer’s view of Post Production for Ukranian Producers

A Producer’s view of Post Production for Ukranian Producers in collaboration with Netlix and House of Europe.

Netflix course
Posted in filmmaking

Co-production Course for Ukrainian producers

Co-production Course for Ukrainian producers 2 For the successful completion of the Co-production Cource for Ukrainian producers by EAVE European… read more Co-production Course for Ukrainian producers

Живопис для кіно
0 639
Posted in filmmaking Украинское кино

Як живопис може покращити ваше кіно: практичні поради

Якщо ви хочете покращити своє кіно, живопис може бути вашим найкращим співробітником. Використовуючи принципи живопису, ви можете покращити композицію, кольори та простори вашого кіно. Навчайтеся використовувати лінії, кола, простори та кольори, щоб покращити ваше кіно. Використовуйте принципи балансу, пропорцій та порівняння, щоб додати глибину та захоплення до ваших сцен. Використовуйте контрасти, щоб підкреслити важливі елементи та поділити сцену на дві частини. Використовуйте рух та динаміку, щоб привернути увагу до важливих елементів. Використовуйте живопис, щоб покращити своє кіно!

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0 822
Posted in Interactive film

The Legacy of Lindsay, Münsterberg, and Arnheim in Interactive Film Theory

The legacy of Lindsay, Münsterberg, and Arnheim in interactive film theory is significant. Their contributions to the understanding of film as a medium and the role of the viewer in shaping the narrative have paved the way for modern interactive storytelling. Their ideas continue to influence the development of interactive film and immersive media.

0 1707
Posted in filmmaking Interactive film

Unlocking the Potential of AI Image Generator from Bing for Storyboard Creation

Unlock the potential of AI Image Generator from Bing for storyboard creation. With this tool, you can quickly and easily create stunning visuals for your stories. It offers a wide range of images, from landscapes to people, to help you bring your stories to life. With AI Image Generator, you can create beautiful storyboards in no time.