Category: Interactive Storytelling

Non-Linearity in Game Design
0 198
Posted in game design Interactive Storytelling

What is Non-Linearity in Game Design? A Conversation with Tim Cain

What is Non-Linearity in Game Design? A Conversation with Tim Cain In the world of game design, the term “non-linearity”… read more What is Non-Linearity in Game Design? A Conversation with Tim Cain

Storytelling is a key to Game Design
0 187
Posted in game design Interactive Storytelling

Storytelling Through Mechanics: A Key to Game Design

Storytelling Through Mechanics: A Key to Game Design Game mechanics are often seen as a way to create challenges and… read more Storytelling Through Mechanics: A Key to Game Design

People playing D&D game in cyberpunk setting
0 242
Posted in Interactive film Interactive Storytelling

Exploring interactive storytelling research

Interactive storytelling research delves into the creation of dynamic narratives that are shaped by user interactions and their decisions. Key… read more Exploring interactive storytelling research

game design
0 1665
Posted in game design Interactive Storytelling

A Survey of Procedural Quest Design Methodologies for Enhanced Replayability

Traditional quest structures in video games often rely on predetermined sequences of events and objectives, meticulously crafted by designers. While… read more A Survey of Procedural Quest Design Methodologies for Enhanced Replayability