Category: Actors

Actors who works with ukrainina filmmaker Sasha Poberailo. Shoots in features, short films and web-series.
Актеры которые работают с украинским кинорежиссером Саша Поберайло. Снимаются в полнометражных, короткометражных фильмах и веб-сериалах.

fleur short fashion film - Actors
0 1366
Posted in Actors

“Fleur” short fashion film

“Fleur” short fashion film. Mood of life. [su_dailymotion url=”″ autoplay=”yes” quality=”480″] act Anastasia Kolesnikova video Sasha Poberailo voice Nadya Chelnokova… read more “Fleur” short fashion film

lost in your eyes - Actors
0 1441
Posted in Actors

Lost in your eyes

Fashion creative film model Liza Koblyuk video Sasha Poberailo music by Timecop 1983 [su_dailymotion url=”” autoplay=”yes”]

Dream Machine
0 1658
Posted in Actors

Dream Machine Fashion Short Film

“Dream Machine” Fashion Short Film. Fresh and young blond beauty actress in the sunny summer city. [su_dailymotion url=”” autoplay=”yes” quality=”480″] act… read more Dream Machine Fashion Short Film

urban solitude dailymotion - Actors
0 1725
Posted in Actors

Urban Solitude – Видео Dailymotion

“Urban Solitude” Fashion Short Film with model Liza Koblyuk by film director Sasha Poberailo. model Liza Koblyuk video Sasha Poberailo… read more Urban Solitude – Видео Dailymotion

Саша Поберайло Sasha Poberailo
0 2342
Posted in filmmaking Actors Podcast Webseries

How to lure the actors into the film?

How to lure the actors into the film?

You came up with a story, you found a camera. It remains to work for a small - to find actors. And this stone of prediction through which it is very easy not to cross.
The theme of the actors is not simple and unfinished. In this sense, this post is only a small illustration with a possible background for the future.

Only on the topic "How to lure the actors into the film?". Option one is "money". Copyright? Independent? Underground? Most likely this option disappears almost immediately. Option of the second "DFT". If you can already call it.

Practice "actor for food" has long and successfully practiced in the US, Europe and other film-countries. What actors might be interested in this? In theory, anyone. If you are close to the topic of photo and model business, you should know how the model goes the way of becoming. Models without a photographer are not models. Similarly, actors without a movie are not actors. They are people dependent and to be always a great success. Accordingly for them, those who make films are as important as they are for them. Then why is the question "how to lure the actors into the film"? The answer is, on the surface, culture. People, and even most of those who decided to become an actor, do not have a real idea about the movie, just because it does not exist. And the fact that there is a stall still somewhere in the 50-60's. Times have changed many times and are changing at a given time, but there is no perception. Actors can not be "" stars, just as these stars can not be photomodels. Success in cinema is not a given. The development of success is more important than its achievement.

So if you do not know how to lure the actors into the film and there is no money, then only deception will help. Nobody loves the truth.

city shine fashion short film - Actors
0 1245
Posted in Actors

City Shine: Fashion Short Film

City Shine: fashion short film with model Liza Koblyuk by filmmaker Sasha Poberailo. [su_dailymotion url=”″ autoplay=”yes” quality=”480″]

online 4 - Actors
0 3381
Posted in Actors

“Кинотусовка Online” 4

Kinotusa online 4 Poberailo В четвертом выпуске видеоподкаста “Кинотусовка Online” разговор с актером Максимом Лавриненко пойдет об актерах в кино.