fleur short fashion film - actress, fashion, french, mood, music
0 1370
Posted in Actors

“Fleur” short fashion film

“Fleur” short fashion film. Mood of life. [su_dailymotion url=”http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5640s4″ autoplay=”yes” quality=”480″] act Anastasia Kolesnikova video Sasha Poberailo voice Nadya Chelnokova… read more “Fleur” short fashion film

cyber teaser 02 comp2 - cyberpunk, feature, noir, webseries
0 1498
Posted in Webseries

“Digital Dawn” Web-series episode 2

Cyberpunk web-series “Digital Dawn” by Sasha Poberailo. The second teaser finally on-line here! We meet cyber-technician electro-guy Nick. credits: act… read more “Digital Dawn” Web-series episode 2

Украинский фильм “Ужасно Блестящий”режиссера Саша Поберайло

Украинский фильм “Ужасно Белстящий” украинского режиссера Саша Поберайло. Смотреть украинский полнометраный игровой фильм, рассказывающий о том, как молодой преподаватель мечтает… read more Украинский фильм “Ужасно Блестящий”режиссера Саша Поберайло

cyber 01 - cyber, cyberpunk, noir, Poberailo, webseries
0 1411
Posted in Webseries

“Digital Dawn” Web-series episode 1

Tech-noir cyberpunk web-series “Digital Dawn” by Sasha Poberailo. The first teaser. credits: act Julia Pargina, Alexander Dvornikov director Sasha Poberailo… read more “Digital Dawn” Web-series episode 1

lost in your eyes -
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Posted in Actors

Lost in your eyes

Fashion creative film model Liza Koblyuk video Sasha Poberailo music by Timecop 1983 [su_dailymotion url=”http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6cifmy” autoplay=”yes”]

Спальный Мешок (короткометражный фильм)

“Спальный мешок” короткометражный украинский фильм режиссера Александра Дворникова и оператора Саши Поберайло. Зарисовки городской жизни. Артхаус история действия которой происходят… read more Спальный Мешок (короткометражный фильм)

0 1390
Posted in Webseries

“Smoothie Shot: People” web-serial episode (UKR)

“People” the next episode of “Smoothie Shot” web-series by Sasha Poberailo. Juls thinks about people and their lives. Act: Juliya… read more “Smoothie Shot: People” web-serial episode (UKR)

smoothie shot 03 -
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Smoothie Shot #03

smoothie shots 2 -
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Smoothie Shots #2

smoothie shot cafe talking web s - webseries, вебсериал
0 1362
Posted in Webseries

“Smoothie Shot: Cafe Talking” web-serial episode (RUS)

“Cafe Talking” the next episode of “Smoothie Shot” web-series by Sasha Poberailo. Juls and Max talking at summer cafe during… read more “Smoothie Shot: Cafe Talking” web-serial episode (RUS)